At FileNotFound, we like standing out from the crowd. As such, we’ve taken our passion for writing and storytelling and targeted it at a very needy demographic – the indie author. Two of our partners are authors, and the third is married to one, so we know the pain they go through getting their work in front of the masses. This is an offering near and dear to our hearts, and that’s why we’re here to help. We’re offering services to these noble martyrs that not only won’t break the bank, but will get them on the right footing going forward. That means web and SEO work, media kits and professional graphics, and marketing consultations and plans that help them navigate past the noise of the charlatans and advertising plans that essentially just steal money.

If you’re an author, and you want to get a sense of what we can do for you, take a look at our own author pages, along with some of our clients. Be sure to keep coming back, too, as we’ll be adding more to them down the road, including book videos/trailers, and upgraded media kits.

Be sure to check out our Services page, and then contact us to see what we can do for you. Our offerings our flexible and always evolving to the needs of our clients, so don’t be afraid to ask for what isn’t already there. In the end, just remember that as much as we like standing out from the crowd, we like our clients to stand out even more!